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Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
In your bag you've got lipstick,
In mine I've got poo.

Row of Handbags

Row of Handbags

Thursday, 14 May 2015

New Froothie Optimum 9400 High Speed Blender

Froothie Optimum 9400

My wonderful new blender arrived this morning! Having done extensive research over the past few weeks on whether I really needed/wanted such a machine (the answer was yes!) and then which machine to purchase, I finally made the decision, and went ahead and ordered it.

I had originally been drawn to the NutriBullet but various reviews online suggested that it didn’t do such a good job at getting things completely smooth, and it really wasn’t as sturdily constructed as the more expensive machines, and also was rather small. I’d rather put off thinking about the VitaMix which everybody has been raving about, on grounds of the cost, but it really is a superb machine and would answer my needs.

While looking at different reviews of this one, I came across one entitled “Don’t buy this blender” on Google, so I hopped over for a look and found myself on the Froothie site, looking at the Optimum 9400, which superficially looks very similar, but which is faster, more powerful and best of all, cheaper! I decided this was the machine for me, and if you explore the site you can see just how impressive it is – it will even crush rocks!!! (Not sure which is more stoma-friendly, though – granite or limestone…)

Since hearing that I needed an ileostomy, I was grieving for all my favourite foods that would no longer be available to me because of their fibrous nature and because they would be likely to cause blockages: fresh pineapple and mango, coconut, nuts, seeds etc. Even though I may no longer be able to enjoy their lovely textures, I can at least enjoy the flavours I have been missing.

Of course, a blender like this does not remove the fibre; it merely pulverises it, so I shall have to be careful, especially initially, not to overdo the fibre intake or it might cause a blockage. I’m going to take it slowly, and my first smoothies will be small in size, and sipped slowly!

I will be able to make smoothies, nut milks and butters, soups, and all sorts of good things. The machine comes with a nice little recipe book full of healthy dishes, and of course there are masses of recipes online.

Now all I have to do is collect together some suitable ingredients and get started!

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